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A member registered Apr 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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That grapple is so fun and well done! The grapple and melee alone could create a really fun game.

The art is nice - easy to tell everything apart. Great sounds. I felt that I couldn't easily tell how low my health was so the adding of a clear health bar would be a nice improvement. The stats at the end also gave me a another good insentive to continue playing for a better time and level reached.

Very fun game. Great job!

Sounds like you really enjoyed it! Thank you for the feedback. I did not encounter that music bug haha but will keep note! I would really like to give the game a makeover with new content, improvements and balance. I will take your feedback into consideration. Many thanks!

Great looking game and really fun! The boss fight was fun, and the end stats give you a reason to play again to get a better score. I seen that one time my hp bar showed no health but I still had one hit left however I couldn't replicate this. Overall great game, good job!

Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the feedback!