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A member registered Mar 25, 2024 · View creator page →

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Really cool game, especially for a jam. It's pretty hype, between the gameplay and the soundtrack. I loved the iterability for the game, where you go as far as you can, fail, build a better ship, and try again. Very entertaining.

If I were to change one thing about this game, I'd maybe make the spikes deal more damage. It kind of seems better, after a certain point, to just leave them out in place of better blocks.

Overall great game. Very fun/entertaining.

Yeah, I couldn't get them rotated the right way, so I just said to myself "those are just torpedoes or something".

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, I noticed the menu being glitchy, but I didn't have time to fix it. I tried making it move faster, but then I had a hard time aiming. I will also say that this is definitely not very entertaining.

Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it.

Thanks for playing!

I was running out of time at the end, so I didn't end up getting to fixing those little things or any playtesting. From the little bit of playing I did do though, you got a better score than me.

For it being made in 3 days, very solid game. The visuals are great, and the music really put you in the 'scavenger' mood.

Saying that, I feel like it could use another mechanic, like maybe, for the SmartBomb, you could set a limited number of those, and only have them affect a certain range.

Overall, great game.

Great game! Those puzzles were very entertaining, along with figuring out the lore of the game. The music also set the vibe very well.

If I were to nitpick, I'd almost recommend making the 'simon-says' puzzle one shorter, but maybe that's just because I have a terrible memory.

Overall, amazing game!

Yeah, the rotations were giving me some issues every time I tried to fix it. As for the shooting while rotating, it would've been a quick fix, but I ran out of time at the end.

Thank you for playing it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree, for next time, I should definitely try to add more player choice; make it more of a game and less of a simulator.

Thank you! I appreciate it

Thank you! That's so good to hear

This is my first ever Game Jam and it is most definitely not complete, but my time is up