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A member registered Sep 12, 2023

Recent community posts

Ah thanks everyone! I really really appreciate all the tips and stuff, I'll make sure to keep em all in mind while working. Excited to try it out.

Best of luck.

Thank you!

I'm really new to game development, I've messed around with stuff here and there but I've never gone and released anything yet. I thought this might be a decent starting point, and I like the Game Boy, so it sounds nice. Also, I just wanna finally get into game dev, I've been pushing it off for too long. Only issue is, I'm pretty much a beginner so I feel completely lost lol. I have most of my experience in art, and I have some beginner level experience in coding in Unity and making music. I was wondering if anyone here had any advice and stuff, I'll take anything. I don't have any specific questions unfortunately, sorry about that. I was just feelin a little lost and wondered if I could gather at least a bit of info here.

Sorry if this isn't the place to post this, I can always delete it if ya need me to. I hope you're all having a good day though. Best of luck to ya.