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A member registered Nov 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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lookin rad so far, as for feedback/bug reports from what I've played: 

it feels like it takes slightly too long to register the direction held for a special, as even when I made absolutely certain I held a direction first I would get the neutral special with Puna unless I held the direction for a while first, which felt unresponsive

I had a similar unresponsiveness issue in trying to turn around without moving when deliberately trying to throw a neutral special in the opposite direction, as I wouldn't turn around before firing it unless I held the dpad for long enough

the last and most glaring thing for me personally was not getting the second light attack to come out whenever I hit the button at what seemed to be the very end of the input window, instead I would end up either walking in place or doing nothing at all, I'm gonna try to attach a video of it but I haven't done so before on this website so bear with me if I goof it up