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A member registered May 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Loving this. Left me wanting to know more, both about the characters and what happens afterwards. Very moving, and stayed with me.

(1 edit)

gun no shooty and the robot will not let me smooch

game cool though <3

This game is a small masterpiece. The fact that it's here available for free is unbelievable to me.

Every once in a while, I play a game that makes me think, "This is more than entertainment - it's literature." This is one of those games. The art, the attention to detail, the way each story sets up the next, the use of game mechanics to drive different points home - every part of this game was brilliant. I don't think I've played a single game from this site which has made me ask so many questions about what was happening, and feel like those same questions were also about life, suffering, and what it means to be alone at the mercy of a cruel world.

I streamed it for some friends, and they loved it, too, even though they couldn't hear the music terribly well. The one friend who always falls asleep at 11 at night (whether he wants to or not) also managed to stay up to see the finale - which is mostly because I couldn't find a save feature. Very worth it.

Thank you for making this and sharing it.

I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now?
But seriously, this was spot on. Amazing work.

(5 edits)

That's the thing, though. She didn't show the baby developing in that womb. She showed the hopes the mother had for it. Then she showed what actually happened. And she never argued that feti which would result in babies with disabilities SHOULD be killed - she argued for the CHOICE. 

There is an enormous difference between murdering people with disabilities, who have lives and feelings and complex histories, and having the simple ability to DECIDE whether you want to carry a fetus to term when you know the life it WOULD have, if it lives, would be a disabled one. Some such lives are so short and agonizing that it strikes me as actively cruel to argue for their preservation - it is difficult to see why you would argue for a woman to carry a deformed fetus to term, watch the resulting baby struggle to breathe and cry in agony for a week, and then have to bury it. It is difficult to imagine that you would want to live such a life if you were the child in question.

These are not the imaginary excuses of "selfish women." They are realities, and the laws you are defending make avoiding such nightmare scenarios extremely difficult if not impossible. 

These issues are complex. That is exactly why we have freedom of speech.