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A member registered Jun 20, 2022

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Hi! I'm a composer/musician finishing their Master's currently and would love to work with you making music for whatever projects you have. Here's a small portfolio that I hope to fill out and update once I finish this semester!

My discord is'mooche' if you want to add me and we can talk about what projects you have and if you want me to make a small demo sample so you can be sure that you feel good about my music! Thanks in advance!

Hello! I'm MoocHe, and after taking a break from working on games due to finishing my Master's, I wanted to participate and work with others on some game jams. I'm a professional musician and self-taught producer going on 6+ years and wanted to see if anyone is interested in my sounds and/or willing to give me a shot at making some music for their project. 

Here is a Google Drive folder of some of my sounds including personal music, previous game tracks, and other skills I have related to music and sound.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from people! My Discord is simply 'mooche' if you want to shoot me friend request/message about working together!