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A member registered Mar 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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This semester was a great start into the planning process. I agree with you in that when I know what's coming up I find it much easier to do my work and plan ahead. It sounds like the group is starting to mesh more and I'm excited to see what you all come up with!

Hopefully moving into 3D ends up being the right decision! Moving perspectives like that can be a big undertaking so hopefully you all have begun scheduling all your required tasks for next semester. From the sounds of things you will be wearing many hats so I wish you the best of luck bridging all those different facets of the project. I find that kind of situation to be fun because you get to put your own touches on so many aspects of the builds. Good luck next semester!

Hi Matt!
I think we all can relate to the struggle of needing to crunch class projects when life gets in the way. I think Kanban boards and other scheduling apps are a great tool to counteract these interferences. I do find that they can be a bit too simple for some projects personally, but they are great for tracking due dates and things of that nature for sure!

I've definitely felt similar in situations in the past.  I find bigger projects a bit harder to manage, especially when it comes to group work. Oftentimes, managing other group members deadlines alongside my own messes me up in my scheduling. Looking ahead to try and foresee issues can be really tough too and is definitely something we all can improve on.

I 100% agree, the best feeling ever is getting your work crossed off and having a blank slate in your calendar. When I plan out my schedules I tend to include commitments outside of just schoolwork, I'm curious if you do the same. Also I do like the tactile aspect of a physical calendar which I think you use. I've always been envious of peoples work planners because they always look so neat and orderly, but it's never worked for me personally. 


I think the dark concept you have of a detective style information collection game trying to uncover the secret of someone’s death is a very real and grounded topic. I think you team really hit the mark when they decided they wanted a story real enough to be convincing because this sort of narrative will likely resonate with many players.

Hi Stewart,

The representation of different characters through small minigames as a means of depicting a vast cast while maintaining feasible scope is a clever solution. I personally love the old warioware and yakuza games so I can really imagine how you would bring the characters to life!

I felt you struck a beautiful balance during your pitch between fun and serious feeling commentary through gameplay and narrative elements. I think the Ace Attorney inspiration made a lot of sense and would’ve made for a functional cohesion of your intended gameplay loop and narrative structure.

Your research sprouted some really cool ideas. Identifying false information could be a very compelling game mechanic if you choose to move forward with it. I picture something along the lines of a phoenix wright where you have to scour for the correct answers and catch people on their lies. Good work, excited to see where you take this topic!

Hey Lucy,
I really like your idea of playing as a king's advisor who must manage a series of resources. I'm interested to see how you tie in things like the kingdom's food rations into the public perception of royalty.