this is pretty cool!
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Max, thanks for the comment! Unfortunately I didn't get to test on a Mac, so I didn't know about that weird behavior. My inspiration for the project was Fat Princess for Playstation 3. I'm hoping to finish out the concept into a multiplayer game and fix the bugs. Feel free to follow this and other projects on twitter @JeffCodeblum or check out my site Thanks again!
Thanks for the comment! A very good assessment. I hope to finish the multiplayer version in the future. Follow me on twitter @JeffCodeblum to stay posted.
So here is the first image of my project. Hope I can finish it in time. Its HTML5/JavaScript with a custom game engine I'm making as I go.
Got some gameplay going. It is hack n slash. I'm planning to add some arrows and magic.

I just submitted Son of a Breach. My original goal was to create a tiny Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game, but unfortunately, I couldn't finish the online multiplayer in time for the game jam, so I submitted a single player demo version of Son of a Breach. I still plan to finish implementing all the original features down the road.