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A member registered Feb 15, 2020

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I've asked for opensource in discord and no response(probably they will not open it just because there a lot of work done and maybe they will return to it in future).

I've modified a bit Alfa 0.9 version(more enemy for each wave (x2, x3, x4), more time between waves to build more defense and economy, possibly will add some more features like longer storms, more or even endless waves ), I did it just because wanna play more in this game) So if someone wanna - I can share it.

for the first iteration, you can add this mode with static map, or a choice of 2-3 maps (from existing levels).

Robbie Fraser Awesome game!!!!!! Gj guys, really, I finish the game like 5-6 times already. Plsssssssssssss add the free mode, with unlimited waves(you can use simple logic, for example - aliens will appear every 5 minutes, first wave will be - 30 tier1, 5 tier2, 2 tier3, 0 tier4, and then every 5 mins +10%).