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A member registered Dec 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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Cool simple game, liked the art and the animations. Got to level 40 :D

(2 edits)

Hello there,

For my game I was thinking to make something like a survival game, with some minimal crafting. I also wanted to explore the 3D capability of libGDX for this project (jumping from 2D to 3D is a big jump, I know).

So far I've managed to randomly generate some planets with SimplexNoise and a quad-sphere.

Unfortunately I've tried to increase the number of subdivisions but I keep getting the "Too many vertices" error, soooooo, I guess I have to stop using MeshPartBuilder and go back to using plain old Mesh... oh well


I'm mobileDev (my game-development-hobby alias), I've always been into game development, all by my self, but I've never completed a full project with LibGDX before (I've always used other solutions, mainly for web development). For this Jam I'll be using LibGDX; Flash CS6 and GIMP for art; aannndddd I still have to figure out what tool to use for sound.

Good luck to everyone out here!