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Miss Badger

A member registered Dec 28, 2016

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I'm on windows and I had this happen as well. Saved and logged out of the game, came back later and all of my food that was cooked on my fire pits were gone and all of my boiled water that was sitting on the water purifier was also gone. It'll be a hassle if I have to keep all of that in my inventory before logging out if this isn't a bug.

Save your game and go back to the menu and reload the game. I've had this happen a few times and just reloading the game makes it work again.

Love this so far! After a while it gets pretty easy, but it's still fun.

As a suggestion, you should up the amount of sharks that spawn in when you kill them. Like, there's only one shark at first, but when you kill the one, two more will appear, then three, four, and so on. I feel as if it would make building up your raft a lot harder.

Also, maybe you could make a difficulty setting, such as your player has a broken leg and moves slower, or starting with lower health or thirst or hunger, to make the game more difficult for people who have played it through already.