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A member registered May 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Is it possible instead of updating the leaderboard by a user's unique device ID to update an entry based on their username? I am setting up Steam integration and am having issues where Steam users on the same device are overriding each other's scores and Steam users with multiple devices are having their own scores listed more than once.

The snails are my favorite aspect, they were a lot of fun to implement. The moles are a bit unfinished, they were going to have a drill attack that would be used for vertical platforming sections although I wasn't able to get around to programming the attack and the game area become smaller than originally intended. Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!

I've been looking forward to checking this one out, I loved the updates on the Discord. The game did not disappoint, very cool blend of the Metroidvania  genre and Mega-Man style game. The controls on keyboard felt a bit odd, I think this game would definitely benefit being played on a controller, other than that I loved every aspect. I didn't mind dying so much because the effect was so cool. Hope to see this project develop further!

Thanks for your comments and especially the bit about the gravity. That was something that I just could not figure out why it would not work properly, I'll have to look into resetting the gravity and see how that changes things!