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A member registered Jul 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh, thank you for the advice. I was a bit worried until you told me about it. Honestly, I feel like the game is complete (the only thing I forgot to add was audio and I think I am going to leave it at that since you wouldn't want to hear anything anyway. That and possibly more levels.) I usually think, because of the world we live in today, that people expect perfection. That is usually why I put a lot of pressure on myself for a lot of things, so hearing that you don't care if the game is good or not helps me a ton. 


1.> Oops, thanks for pointing that out

2.>Oh yeah, forgot about features like that, thanks! 

2.5> Yeah, I know the story is okay, I was just worried about the way it was presented that it would look bad. Thank you for letting me know :).

3.> Actually, that is an easter egg, the only reason it looks like a bug is because I dont have a good way to tell the player that it is a feature (coding wise, the Unity UI system makes me want to smash my keyboard with a big fork, so Ima just...leave that alone).

Thank you for your time and care into this game.


MikeDaGuy (A creator of a game)

write your suggestions here :D

Hello fellow stranger and player of my game. This is the creator speaking. I just wanted to say, thank you for your time playing on this game. This game is an abandoned project (until I got an email about it). I didn't think anyone was still interested in it. Thank you for being the only reason that I am starting again with this game. I just wanted to let you know that I probably won't go into game developing anytime soon (this game was to see if I was interested in it, and I am not). However, because of your amount of persistence with this game, I will continue with this game and try to enhance it (please note that I am still new to this game developing situation). I will also add you to the credits of the game because you were literally the only person to ever even play the game in the past 3 months. Also, what would you like in the game?

3.>I know that you want to change the keyboard layout, but I think that I might not be able to change that since the coding required is a bit complex for my very little understanding of code.

5.> Oh yeah, I forgot to update that, that was a mistake, I had plans to work with other people, but I decided to only make this personally (since, even though it was a good idea, many people saw that I sucked at game development).

8. and 9.> Thank you for noticing! do you like it? :)

11. and 12.> Oh yeah, that is actually a bug, I am not sure how to fix that, but I have an idea. The pillor you are referring to isn't the end, the end is a smiling face and a little button that says "end" you press that and the game closes. I am not sure what you mean by the gray pillor, but I will look into that.

1., 4., and 5.> oh yeah! thank for letting me know about that. That will be fixed.

I just wanted to say, again, thank you for caring about this. Knowing me, I will probably forget this game again, but if any update appears, just know it was because of you :)


MikeDaGuy (Creator)

Ideas here :)

post Ideas here.

Aw Sick! Please send the link in this comment, I would love to play it!

I would love to see a fully developed version of this game

It is really good!

This game is something that I have been working on for the past summer. It is something that I hope you will like. For now, it is a demo, since I haven't figured out how to write music yet. Also, this is my first game that I released to the public, so expect some low quality since I am new to this type of stuff.

This game Is about a ball that rolls a lot in order to fix the space time continuum.  He doesn't have time to stop for your "SLOW DOWN!" nonsense, but he allows you to move left and right to guide him to victory.  The space time continuum is also not nice when it comes to space (as it is...well...broken) so you might die a lot. Not to worry, since time is also broken, so you can simply rewind at will, just press a button.

This game only has three levels since it is in testing phase. It has the roman level, the city-mashed-with-roman level, and the future level. 

I really hope you enjoy, since this project isn't my best, but I still put some time into it.

Here is the page:

Oh! And before I forget, here is a picture of the game (the future level):

Thank you for joining me. Of course, this project is past due, I thought that we can still work on it together. Idk, what do you think?

Good job, Great art. well done concept

(1 edit)

hey, so I am not an animator, nor am I good at 3d modeling, but I am also quite new to game development, mabey you and me can work together and see how good of a game we can make together. I work in code.

also, sorry for notifiying you so late, I was busy doing another jam. (Note: I am not experience, that jam was my first game jam)

here is my discord: MikeDaGuy

(2 edits)

Hey! I am a solo developer in need of people who are good at art. I work in Unity and I desperately need someone who is good at art. It can be either 3D or 2D, I work well in both (however, since I am incredibly new to Unity, I prefer 3D art). I also need someone who can do music as well. I can do the sound effects if you prefer as well. I prefer contact via discord.

Note: I am taking this game jam very lightly, so don't expect me to produce a game at a fast rate, although you can still expect a game, since I don't have much to do over the next two weeks.