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A member registered Jul 28, 2021

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so far with the first male devout and with rawn when trying recruit him i get stuck at the menu page (let him fuck your mouth/ fellate him) for the oral, nothing i click there will lead me to the subsequent menu, it will give me the small text that accompanies the actions and then return me to the original two options, without moving me to the other options like they exist if i top or if i am female giving oral. in this case i am male. can you help? thanks!

gotcha, i read too quick and assumed it was everyday 

and thanks!

ive completed the quest and gathered the seeds for the garden herbs (i even harvested a couple of times) but now at every new day i get a negative answer when i want to harvest. i have the male averon. 

also this isn't a bug but me asking for hints for quests: 

how do we trigger the portals for the ghost and or highway quests? ive been visited twice and have read about the ghost. 

Thanks so much. The save was from yesterday or the day before. I restart from scratch pretty often. I'd gotten through the highway quest before basically just waited for the portal to show up. I'd been visited once by the ghost iirc. 

Thanks again for the code & for the game! 

playing a god of death and heading through the larklast quest, i began the highway quest and also continued the ghost quest somehow in the process the main menu on the quest tab doesnt show the highway quest but the larklast marker menu shows that it is ongoing and i cant go to the npc that offers it to re-start it. ive not been able to get to the either portals