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Don't Make Games

A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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I have used this every day for the last four months, but to help me build up and draw small blocks of a city I am working on (converting results to building types). 

Have you ever thought of doing this for village or city building? Would be a hoot! 

Completely and utterly wholesome and family-friendly! I am glad I got to see this take shape and if I had kids of my own, I would play this with them.

And of course i just get this now... I have them written up! I'll sub soon!

The core of this game is great to use for world-building as you can develop sigils that you can then use with or against your players. Since you already have the core data from each line, it can work in depth.

I had to make some tweaks to the concept in order to make it work for me, but even at its core it is still functional. There are some rough patches, but they can be corrected and adjusted.


One of the best games I have in my collection. Not only does this game flow and breathe with the concept, giving new life to what is a somewhat stale monster these days, this game is all about that sense of what you lose when you gain immortality.

I used this game to fill in a critical gap of a timeline in my world, and not only did it do an amazing job, it gave me many tendrils to explore as the world evolved around the four vampires in question and gave me impressive villains to use for any encounter. I already knew their motivation and I could tailor an encounter to fit in their timeline perfectly.

However, I have to say Tim offers 5-star customer service, and this is coming from a customer service representative. Not only was he constantly keeping us in the loop about updates, but he was also willing to get a replacement for me when I was afraid my physical copy went missing. Thanks to his openness to do so, I felt at ease and knew I would have something in my hands sooner rather than later. 

Luckily, USPS is still completely untrustworthy, but they did deliver and it made me feel better to know I could let him off the hook for their mistake in poor communication.

The book, both in digital and physical form, is a prized possession and one I go to often when I am world-building. If you need a great game, this is the one for you. Get your hands on this immediately!

This is a great game! I love it! I can see this working in tandem with a game like Icarus where your players build up a city and then participate in its downfall to set the tone for a future society built on the ashes. This is worth far more than I paid for it and I can't recommend it enough to my gaming associates for something different than the constant graphs, charts, and spreadsheet crunching we're all used to.

As an adjustment, I left Jokers active in the deck. I used this as a way to counter the face cards and add a little extra flavor. In the example, there were soldiers and mages going against each other. The soldiers drew a joker card and crafted a mage defector who made it their goal to bring the mages down with the help of the soldiers. While the joker idea might not be for everyone, I think it adds in enough chaos to make the game that much more thrilling.

Love it, love it, love it! It is in my world-building rotation, I guarantee!