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A member registered Jul 22, 2018

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(2 edits)

Well, I can't agree with "(I) got lost in the story" I guess ... Depending on what you mean exactly.
Usually when I read a book or watch a movie in the cinema - if it's a good one - it takes a few minutes to get back to the real world.

If it was a really, r e a l l y good book (let's take - maybe you know one or the other: Michael Ende - Never Ending Story, Stephen King - The Dark Tower, George Orwell - 1984, JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings... ), well, I guess it could take a little longer (especially "The Dark Tower" which I've read for years) maybe half an hour? One hour? Two?

And now we take "Straight !?" During the game and after finishing it, I really felt like I had a crush on Braden (you know, the cutie I mentioned a couple of times). I don't mean "I love this guy" like "I love this Ash-guy, 'course what he did for his brother, for Cody, for Mikhail, for Braden and Zack ...". I mean, having a crush on him, like on a real, living, human person. With all these butterflies, all this heartache (don't ask me how I felt on the beach scene! My heart skipped a beat. Really! And I cried like a baby). 
I really believed (!) That I had a crush on an animated, fictional, digital character! No matter how strange this fetish  sounds.
Not for an hour. Not for two after the end. For more than 12 (twelve) fu *** hours. It took another 6-8 hours before I was fully back into the real world and had my mind clear and knew, "No, I don't have a crush on Braden. But I still love this character".

I've never had this weird feeling and I've never been "lost" for so long time. I can hardly put it into words. Not in German, and even less in English. I can't call it "lost in the story" anymore because it's so  next level. Another "first" for me. ;-)
I am still overwhelmed!

(3 edits)

I beg your pardon. My English is not as good as it should be.
But I feel I have to write some thoughts down here.

I could write thousands of words about. But ... I better skip a few hundred I guess. ;-)
I discovered „straight!?” by chance. Was looking for nice 3D Artwork. Found a picture from Braden (a real cutie!), clicked on it and ended with an “Let’s play”. On Pornhub! …

I watched for a few minutes and thought: “Wow. A typical American-college-roommate-bromance-cliché-shit. Boooring! I’m to old for this kind of shit”
But at least: “Great artwork and it’s free (and Braden is really a cuitie). So give it a chance!”

So I started. And I couldn’t stop.
OK, just a minute to grab some fruits from the kitchen or going to the bathroom.

I couldn’t stop until I fall asleep on the sofa in living room, with still the fu**ing mouse in my hand. Rolled over, had a nap, rolled back and continued the story. I was kinda spellbound.
And of course: “straight!?” is a lot, but not “typical”, not “cliché” and no “shit”. Not even a really “bromance”. It is … unique! And great artwork (did I mention Bradon is a real cutie? :-D)

I remembers the time I was 19 yo.
I was a bit shy about nudity (specially when I was hard) like Braden. I overthought too much and had this “straight-Mode-Switch” like Zack. I was a bit an actor / a drama queen like Ash. I cared more about my friends as about myself, like Mikhail. I was a bit a game freak like Braden. I was a bit interested in psychology like Zack. I had two faces (one for my friends and one for others) like “Mom-fucker Max” and I was a bit a dick, like he was.
And my favourite language was – and is still - “sarcasm”, like all of them. :-D

I didn’t read the novel or played the game. I was a kinda in it. I – or better: my 19 years old me - was part of it.
All these problems and thoughts, all these “I don’t know how”s and “What is when”s and “Who or what am I?”s and “What do I really feel”s. All these skipped chances.
They were so familiar for me.

I can’t put in words what I felt during playing/reading “straight!?”
But, in the spirit of honesty, I have never – really never!! – had thought it could be possible to be laughing, being moved to tears and being horny the same time.
It is! This was an absolutely new experience for me!

“Dear 19 years old me,

please do us a favour and stop overthinking to much.
Don’t give a shit of what other people think or could think. Be honest, be open minded. Try being a bit less shy (I know it’s easier said than done, but it will be ok).
Your friends will support you, whatever you are or feel.
Dare to make the first move and hold your eyes open for others doing the first move in your direction - you just missed three fat chances. You know what I mean!
If not, you will regret someday.

In the age of 54 you’ll find a visual novel in internet (what an internet is, you’ll find out later) called “straight!?” that will proof what I just told you right.
Oh… and don’t throw way your commodore C64 as soon as you’ll buy the new Amiga500. You’ll need it again later!”

Back to the present. Free or not, I'll send you a few bucks.
Let's see if  becoming a Patron is an further option.
Your work is great. The story, the artwork (especially Braden. He is a real ... ok, this running gag gets boring XD) I really love it!

(1 edit)

Je suis absolument d'Accord!
I'm absolutely with you! :-)

... to defeat purple tentacle again - For the last time.
Finally the day has come.
Today is the day when  ....  the prologue ends?!  :'-(
Can't await the next act.
You are up to create a next act, aren't you?!
BTW:  A "no" is  not accepted!!!