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(2 edits)

Well, I can't agree with "(I) got lost in the story" I guess ... Depending on what you mean exactly.
Usually when I read a book or watch a movie in the cinema - if it's a good one - it takes a few minutes to get back to the real world.

If it was a really, r e a l l y good book (let's take - maybe you know one or the other: Michael Ende - Never Ending Story, Stephen King - The Dark Tower, George Orwell - 1984, JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings... ), well, I guess it could take a little longer (especially "The Dark Tower" which I've read for years) maybe half an hour? One hour? Two?

And now we take "Straight !?" During the game and after finishing it, I really felt like I had a crush on Braden (you know, the cutie I mentioned a couple of times). I don't mean "I love this guy" like "I love this Ash-guy, 'course what he did for his brother, for Cody, for Mikhail, for Braden and Zack ...". I mean, having a crush on him, like on a real, living, human person. With all these butterflies, all this heartache (don't ask me how I felt on the beach scene! My heart skipped a beat. Really! And I cried like a baby). 
I really believed (!) That I had a crush on an animated, fictional, digital character! No matter how strange this fetish  sounds.
Not for an hour. Not for two after the end. For more than 12 (twelve) fu *** hours. It took another 6-8 hours before I was fully back into the real world and had my mind clear and knew, "No, I don't have a crush on Braden. But I still love this character".

I've never had this weird feeling and I've never been "lost" for so long time. I can hardly put it into words. Not in German, and even less in English. I can't call it "lost in the story" anymore because it's so  next level. Another "first" for me. ;-)
I am still overwhelmed!

When I say "lost" I sorta mean absorbed or just really into the story so sounds like that's about where you were. I'm honored to think you'd rank me up there with a lot of the classics considering this is an adult piece . Also, it's nice to see the crush factor here because at least you were able to sympathize with Zack's character more