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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I just got a very similar suggestion, so I think I'll try adding it. Thanks!

Nice score! Thanks for playing and the feedback.

Any suggestions for what the visual might be? I think you're right about a black screen not being ideal, I'm just not sure what would still make sense.

A nice take on a classic concept. Great job on the different levels. My only criticism is the physics (hitboxes and collisions) seem inconsistent and could maybe use some tweaking.

I really like the idea here and the look and feel are great! I've consistently done best by just sitting in a corner and hoping to get lucky, so maybe some improvements could be made by rebalancing the speeds and level design or, quite possibly, I'm just bad. Either way, nice job

This is a lot of fun and the physics feel just right. Great work!

Thanks so much for trying it out and giving feedback!

I totally agree with your critique, and if I make any updates to this, I plan on starting the game with a few zombies already spawned in.

(1 edit)

When I first submitted my game for this jam, I had a similar issue. I fixed it by enabling the setting in Unity: "File > Build Settings > Player > Publishing Settings > Decompression Fallback"