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A member registered Mar 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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cool work, thanx


Thanx man, not now, but i will.

Ok, thanx. Good luck

Awesom game

Good colors and details

NotWork :(

Cool set

cool works

good work

Awesom art!

Hello, not work in Win7 x32

good game, thanx for that

cool style

You2, good luck ;)

(1 edit)

5 Stars, good work)

(1 edit)

Hi, I liked your set of tiles, I was in a creative mood and decided to develop your idea.

I'm not a professional but I like to do graphics sometimes. I upscaled your tiles (now 32x32), extracted a palette from them, added my tiles to the existing ones (I did not modify yours). The ground tiles are ready to use, and the new castle wall tiles are also ready (but I want to review them). Now I don't know what to do with them :-). I am attaching a file for review.

It looks real cool!

thanx, good luck

win7 x32 (rus)

need log?

thanx for link, game is x64 :(

good luck)

only x64 :(

Тоді побажаю успіхів, буду слідкувати за вашою творчістю)

001 game creator game engine?

(1 edit)

game maker?

2023, not work :(

Not work with x32 :(

An interesting program, is it possible to change the interface language?

interesting tool


(1 edit)

thanx, you are good man) wish you luck

ok I will wait)

true hardcore)

Проект не дороблений але вилядає непогано (коли після "смерті" героя виходимо у стартове меню, два музичні треки накладаються один на одного, тка само у меню бажано зробити кнопку виходу з програми)

Незвичайне) У мене теж старий ПК, дякую за те, що витрачаєте час на такі речі. Мені подобається рушій гри, самі написали? Редактор рівнів є до нього?

Hello, is there an offline version?

Your project looks interesting, but unfortunately I have a x32 system, do you plan to build a game for old PCs?