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A member registered Oct 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Super chill game, good time playing it too. gameplay is simple but that adds to the strength of the experience! Great work. 

In terms of feedback, i found a skip that lets you skip past the last gate (still went back and finished spreading the dandelions though.) on the right side you can jump up and beat the map early.

Thanks for Playing & giving feedback!

Yeah, there were supposed to be prompts that appear on screen which indicate which keys to press, however we had a bit of trouble implementing it at the end. More of a focus on player guidance is something we want to prioritize in the next jam.

This was a really soothing experience, I'll say wheat fields + windmills make it easy to get the desired score. It has a very polished feel however the shop screen broke on my monitor (half of it was out of the bounds of the screen), would definitely play again with some additional objectives or some form of turn limit to incentivise combo-ing your items

hey, for anyone who gives our game a go, thanks truly, means the world to us. Just putting some unfortunate news here for anyone confused with some factors in the game.

The rage metre on the left hand side of the screen is supposed to empty when used (it doesn't)
Their is supposed to be button prompts for how to interact with the messes, apologies but the GDD has all the controls within.

The buttons on the end screens unfortunately do not return you to the menu.

If anyone finds anything else, feel free to drop it in the comments below this one, either way we had a blast making it and would be keen to give it another go for the 15th jam :D

moon's haunted
