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A member registered Mar 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is a awesome update

wheres the boss for the graveyard map?

ill rate it for you

can u make it on browser please

Wheres Version 2?

Why dosent it not show how much money u have?

yes thats it thank you

this looks a browser game i used to play do u know the name of it?

can this please be browser

ok thanks

found it thanks

can you make your space sim on browser please I'll follow I promise

also how I load it and shoot it

can u actually shoot the gun

Why would you say that about her?

For an old game of yours its still fun

Can this please be on the browser itll be awesome!!

Game is so fun

can u make it browser please

Sounds Amazing

Yeah Where Game

Is this the full game on browser?

Also i love how relaxing and fun this game is.

Also Wishlisted On Steam.

This Just amazing like the person said im a huge fan of your work.

Keep making awesome games like this one.

More Guns And Attachments

Such A Amazing Game.

but overall you still have great projects

I know you cant do it but it'll be cool if you do XBOX halo Combat Evolved.


ok i bet your gonna make more awesome games in the future

when will it not be 0.1

i know that but i need to know how to reload it

How do I shoot the shotgun shells or grenade launcher shells with the M4A1

i love the game so much

Bro this is so fun my most favorite sandbox besides blockytech.

can you make this controller compatible please.

P.S. great game

(1 edit)

Its Really Fun

have a great day man or woman im not assuming gender

i wish this could be on browser so people can try it out but on browser

i know how to do it now thanks for the hel

i put it over an iron vein but it didint work

how i get iron?