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A member registered Feb 27, 2023

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Me ha encantado. Esperando con ganas que saques Tirso de Molina!!

Dejo mi gameplay por aquí. Espero te guste!

Un juego BRUTAL. Me gustan muchísimo los juegos de este estilo, donde suceden cosas completamente locas y que te dejan pensando todo el rato. 

Tenéis potencial y seguro que este juego será vuestro punto de partida hacia grandes juegos!! Os dejo mi gameplay, espero os guste.

Beautiful! :P

Great job! Cool atmosphere and creepy story. But.. Check the end of the game, in my case i cant leave the house!! Played 3 times and evil always kill me without any action :( 

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Very cool mechanic. I really enjoy it like Liminal Gallery. Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Dejo mi gameplay por aquí (Aunque ya hace tiempo lo pasé)

La versión que he jugado es ya del año pasado y veo que hay nuevas cosas añadidas!!! A ver si vuelvo a bajarlo y le doy caña. Espero te guste!!

What a fantastic game! I really enjoy this one too and good jumpscares haha! 5/5!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Of course!! 5/5! As is said, very terrify and great atmosphere!will you give some free keys when release :D? I would like to play it!

Very interesting game! 5/5

Muy buen juego. La verdad que para ser un primer contacto está bastante bien. Es verdad que hay cosas que pulir pero va por muy buen camino! Aquí tienes mi gameplay, espero lo disfrutes!

Great game. Very good atmosphere with an amazing sound desing. Hope you release new game soon.

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Added to whishlist!! This game is gonna be awsome!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Hey!! I really enjoy this one! Great atmosphere, great story and a good ending!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Have no word to describe this game. Is amazing!!! Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

The first DeathTroopers was really good and this one is much better!!! Cant wait to see more about this because you are a very talented dev.

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like and enjoy!

Great Job!! Very terrified and cool atmosphere!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Buenas! He me he descargado la versión que pones aquí pero creo que no es la correcta (Las puertas se abren al hacer click y no me deja agacharme jeje)

Hice un gameplay. Espero te guste!

i love it xd. here is a gameplay (spanish). hope you like it

Grandeeee. Ya tengo nuevo juego para jugar y grabar para mi canal!! A darle caña

A very good game! I love the atmosphere and story. Waiting for the next one!!!

Un juego increíble! Disfruté muchísimo con la historia y con el entorno. Esperando el próximo!!

The Game have a strong emotional feeling at the begining (Im a father and of course some tears go away there). You should keep that feels all the game with some terror atmosphere and im sure your game gonna be awesome!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Thanks a lot! This helps me too much. Waiting for your next game! :)

For a first game is really good and enjoyable! Keep going because you have potencial!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Very cool game! I enjoy it!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

This game gonna be awsome! Great graphics, great history to tell and the Anomalous are incredible! Can't wait to play the full version.

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you see and like it!

Me ha encantado!!! Probaré el siguiente Daniel's Nightmare porque seguro estará igual de entretenido.

I really like it! Next game: Daniel's Nightmare!

Dejo mi gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Of course i follow you! I'll try your games :P

This was a great game. Really cool enviroment and a very strong story. Cant wait to play second part.

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Great demo. Cool atmosphere and very creepy.

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Uff... this game is really creppy. Very enjoable and funny!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Gran juego y con muy buenas referencias.

Dejo mi gameplay por si apetece verlo :)

Creepy Game. I really enjoy it!

I did a video on my channel (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Wow, i love this game. Its very dark and creepy!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

What a great game. Really enjoyable! I did a video on my channel (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Ohh!!! It's a shame because i really like it :'(

Good news! Waiting to play it! :D

Amazing game. 

Remember old times when was a child playing Oddworld Abe's Oddysee on my PSOne

Thanks a lot for this wonderful game! Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

I really enjoy it. 

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it.

I love the enviroment and monsters. Hope you release a new demo or full game soon because you rock it!

Here is a gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it.

Hi, what happend with "The Incident of '87" ?? I just played it but dont know what to do when arrive to school ^^