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A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

A reinvented Sokoban, with new features and trickier levels!
25 tricky handcrafted puzzles that will (hopefully) make you so raged that you don't want to play it anymore!
New features such as teleporters to quickly reach different places and pistons to help free boxes stuck in corners! But are they as much help as they are a hassle?

Test your brain on these puzzles now!

LOL how even I myself think this game is bad

Thanks for your opinion! I'll take them into consideration :)

Thanks! I'm looking forward to making a sequel when I have enough time :)

Thank you!

is that a praise or a critic comment

Realistic is not really my style. I like abstract and minimal design.
Anyways thanks for the feedback. Maybe I'll try to make a realistic game someday :)

Thanks :)

huh really how teach me

I tried it for half an hour but I still couldnt pass lv 11

then i realised those immovable rocks can be placed by the player

I'm glad for your feedback tho :)

I'm looking forward to creating more content like this but my time is all taken up by schoolwork. Stay tuned tho in case I get enough time to make one

wew... i'm trying to recreate your AWESOME graphics in my game but have no idea how to do it. Thanks! I'll search up post-processing

oh my gods the epic graphics.... how did you do that?