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A member registered Jul 07, 2020

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love love love this!! i may be a sucker for period pieces but this one was just entirely beautiful on its own. the color palette is so pleasing to me and all the characters look so lovely, but i absolutely adore the sprites. some of the expressions were just too accurate and i read in the comments that even more are coming?? i can't wait.

i am already very fond of the protagonist and it's been a total of  one (1) chapter, but the dialogue completely did it for me. i am very curious about the other characters, both the already introduced and the still missing ones, but i enjoyed the chances to explore some of those relationships, the characters feel all very fleshed out already so i am very excited to learn more about them.

the writing is smooth and just delightful, the music is also very nice!! thank you for all your work, i am so looking forward to what's next <3

writing this after playing through the whole demo yesterday and resisting the urge to have another playthrough of all the routes........

first of all. the amount of work you have put into this is astonishing and you have managed to create a piece so spectacular i can't believe it is only on its first chapter?

 i live for the world building, the little details allow you to fully immerse yourself and i think that is one of the main determining factors that make a good story actually *good*. i am so intrigued to learn more.

the main character feels so real and a witty, headstrong (and mouthy since everyone insists on saying so lmao) character who actually has goals and -dare i say it- a personality outside the pursuit of a LI is always appreciated. that being said, the LIs are appreciated as well!! (lmao) their designs are so nice and complement the characters so well (am i just saying that the masks are sexy? perhaps.) no but really. i think they are very interesting in their own ways and i love that the choices you make allow you not only to shape the story in different ways and take different paths, but they also influence your relationship with the other characters in very fundamental ways. following the same sentiment as before, i don't think LIs should live and breathe for the mc only, so the fact that they can be literally like 'idc if you die' is so great (that is such a strange thing to say) and i find it incredibly funny (the bad ends of later chapter may make me more upset, admittedly) but also actually plausible.

i also really enjoy the interactions with the side characters and i can't wait to see how those develop as well. the timed choices and the ability to turn on hints are a very appreciated detail. and seeing as the music is one of the first things i take notice of while playing a new game, i was immediately hooked on what i found here. it really sets the tone for the game from the start, so nicely done on that. and on everything else!

i am very excited for more, but in the meantime thank you for the time and effort you guys spent on this game, i can't wait to see what's next!!

it's exam season but you can bet i RAN here as soon as i heard the news!!

god. i would give my life for nightowl. the art is giving me life and the new content?? no words. i didn't think it possible for you to outdo the amazing work of the first release, but you definitely,  definitely did. i can't wait to play through all the other routes again + xyx!! but alas. i have to study. i am a little biased towards nightowl (he has my heart) so i had to make an exception but i am telling you. i. cannot. wait. i'm gonna power through all the work i have left just to enjoy this in peace lol.

again, thank you for all your work. words cannot express how much this game means to me. thank you again. i hope all the team has a nice holiday season!! stay safe and take care <3

there's not nearly enough love for nightowl in this world and i am writing mainly to make justice for him

no but i love this game so much!! i have been playing it for the past couple of days and i have just finished going through all the routes but i will most likely keep on screaming for another week. love the art, love the writing, LOVE the voiceacting!! i never thought it'd be a big deal but was i wrong!! all the characters are so lovable (they make me cry.) and the music is just so cool.

thank you for creating this game, really. and good luck with any future projects!! we all are looking forward to them!!!

hello it's been days since i finished my first playthrough and i haven't been able to stop thinking about this game ever that! as many before me said, this game is truly a gem. i may or may not be completely in love with the art?? (yes i am) and the writing speaks to me on a personal level (like 3 seconds into the game and i was like this is it. this is where i ws meant to be). i am already rambling and that's a shame because i at least wanted to formulate some coherent thoughts in order to show my appreciation. i think a thank you would be a great place to start. thank you for your hard work and your dedication, thank you for all the laughs and thank you for showing the subtle and meaningful things of everyday life through these characters. i loved them all (and i can't wait to see more of them in the other routes!!) but maya has a special place in my heart, i absolutely adore her. also loved the friendship dynamics (the gift buying scene.......please). i did NOT get the scene even though while i was reading i was wondering if something would happen if i made some specific choices (leaving it vague so i hope it's not spoilery??) so now i am finally going in and exploring all the options and endings (i got the best one the first time.......crying.) i hope i managed to make some sense on this tuesday night but either way. thank you so much.