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writing this after playing through the whole demo yesterday and resisting the urge to have another playthrough of all the routes........

first of all. the amount of work you have put into this is astonishing and you have managed to create a piece so spectacular i can't believe it is only on its first chapter?

 i live for the world building, the little details allow you to fully immerse yourself and i think that is one of the main determining factors that make a good story actually *good*. i am so intrigued to learn more.

the main character feels so real and a witty, headstrong (and mouthy since everyone insists on saying so lmao) character who actually has goals and -dare i say it- a personality outside the pursuit of a LI is always appreciated. that being said, the LIs are appreciated as well!! (lmao) their designs are so nice and complement the characters so well (am i just saying that the masks are sexy? perhaps.) no but really. i think they are very interesting in their own ways and i love that the choices you make allow you not only to shape the story in different ways and take different paths, but they also influence your relationship with the other characters in very fundamental ways. following the same sentiment as before, i don't think LIs should live and breathe for the mc only, so the fact that they can be literally like 'idc if you die' is so great (that is such a strange thing to say) and i find it incredibly funny (the bad ends of later chapter may make me more upset, admittedly) but also actually plausible.

i also really enjoy the interactions with the side characters and i can't wait to see how those develop as well. the timed choices and the ability to turn on hints are a very appreciated detail. and seeing as the music is one of the first things i take notice of while playing a new game, i was immediately hooked on what i found here. it really sets the tone for the game from the start, so nicely done on that. and on everything else!

i am very excited for more, but in the meantime thank you for the time and effort you guys spent on this game, i can't wait to see what's next!!