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Maplewood Street

A member registered Sep 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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You're welcome!!!!

Very cool! It reminds me of sega saturn games. i really like the world art, but the character art feels very out of place compared to the world art.

also i have no idea where to go lol

pretty good! the monster design was pretty neat :>

You're welcome! ^_^

nice!!!! :O

This song's rad af!!! Good job! ^_^

I feel like parts of it need work, but once it hits 0:38 the song really hits its stride :>

Best one I've heard so far!! :D

Hi! My name is Maplewood and I'm looking to join a team as a composer! I had to leave another team I was in just as the jam started, but I still want to contribute and make music for the Playdate!!

You can hear my work on

AYYY good job!!!! :D

It's appreciated! Thank you :)

I was not the person who programmed the game, I just did the music, and I don't know how to use Unity, so I can't really update the game myself. The game isn't being worked on anymore to my knowledge, so unfortunately it will be download only for the foreseeable future.

I'll consider that BG art tip for the next game, tho! Thank you! :)

Typically you want game jams to be inviting because you want people to join them and submit to them. When you open with calling people you don't even know a failure, it's kind of hard to think "oh yes, this is worth my time, and the people running it are definitely not unhinged."

It sounds like you're projecting some kind of inferiority complex onto a game jam, which is a very odd place to do it.

I've never seen an art jam before! Very cool idea :)

"You are disqualified" would be way better. "You are a FAILURE" sounds like the jam organizer is just a needless, massive asshole.

I'm most impressed by how you were able to replicate the LCD art style where everything is crafted like a puzzle! It's hard to describe, but if you know you know.


i like it! :) The final boss reminded me of that one Natsume game where you fight a big robot with gatling guns as a cowboy

This is the babeinest space shooter ever

You have a real knack for making games that feel like they were made in the era you're inspired by. This feels like a really nice mix of Mario 2 and Kirby's Dream Land! The story is adorable! The music is adorable! The main character is adorable! The boss is adorable! AAAA

"is very cute i love it" - my babe, 2023

Good luck with development! :)

Is there a license to use this for our own projects?

I would recommend looking through the GBJam 11 submissions and winners! There's a bunch of really good Game Boy and Game Boy-style games there :)

I love that you included the "jump through gate" thing from Mega Man. No Mega Man game is complete without "jump through gate" thing. Even a number of Mega Man games forget to include it for some reason.

I was pleasantly surprised to see you move the HUD to the top of the screen when the player is close to the bottom of the screen! Very nice attention to detail. Also retrying a boss after dying will automatically skip the cutscene! I appreciate that! :)

Also, it feels like the player runs faster than in the original Game Boy Mega Man games. That's one of the biggest problems with those games is that Mega Man runs at a minimally briskest of light jogs and Merc Boy runs at a nice pace. It never felt like I was going too slow or too fast :)

I love that the basic pirate grunts, like, fall over lol I almost feel bad for them! ...Almost!

The generous checkpoints made the game more palatable to modern standards, especially for the purpose of a game jam.

The music by Forte is also very good! It has that Game Boy Mega Man feel. :)

Absolutely wonderful little game! I love the platforming challenges, the animation and player movement, I love the little dialogue popups, they inject a bunch of character into the game. :)

The music was very nice too! The visuals are so good aaiosdufklja

Also I want to point out that this feels like a Game Boy game, like an actual Game Boy game that would have come out in the 90s. I kind of got lost in that "gamer trance" after a few minutes, i guess it's called "immersion". slkdfjalsd i dunno aaa

Gotta say, big Spritz fan now. <3

aaa thank you!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

fabiangaspar#0 didn't exist, but I sent a request to fabiangaspar, hopefully that's you!

Thank you! It seems no one is interested though haha

Is there a Discord to help find teams?

It's been a few days and I haven't gotten a message on here, email, Discord, Twitter, or NG. Maybe it was put in spam? If you're still interested, let me know!

👀👀👀👀 I'm looking forward to it!!!

I absolutely adore the art style <3

Oh what's your email? :O

Yes! My email is! :D I'm also on Discord: maplewoodstreet.

Feel free to contact me there! If for whatever reason I don't respond for whatever reason within a few days, feel free to ping me here too!

Totally understandable! Thank you! If I had more money to give right now, I absolutely would!

I did also make a comment about music in a different thread. Let me know if you're interested or not! :D

Awesome!! I'll check back here when voting's over. :) 

If you're looking for new sound designers/composers, I would love to be part of the team!

You can decline of course! I just thought I'd offer! ^_^

I bought the game for $10! Any game with gorgeous pixel art of beautiful women punching the crap out of each other is worth $10!

If the game's resolution is too low to display my full name Maplewood Street, you may shorten it to Maplewood St. instead! The abbreviated version should fit the 13-character limit. I would have done that, but I saw the rule only after I submitted it (sorry!!)