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A member registered Apr 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great job! It's nice to see other people making vr games as well. I loved seeing all my past selves scrambling around after a few deaths.

I'm glad you liked it! It means a lot. And yeah, most of my level design time was spent fixing bugs. I wish I were able to design more levels that made good use of the rewind mechanic. Thanks for playing!

Looks like you've mixed up this page for your own lol. You said you were having issues running my game so I was asking in regards to that :)

Hi Sirstotes, I'd say the bigger barrier is it requiring a VR headset haha. Sorry you couldn't play it!

Hey, what kind of VR headset are you using? This game should have support for the Quest, Rift, Vive, Index, and windows mr. I was only able to test that it works for the quest but was hoping there wouldn't be any issues with other platforms.

This was actually super fun! Very well polished. I loved your voices and the little audio snippets from movies. I'm going to miss working with Billy Bob Joe.

If you haven't already followed this guide, I suggest you do.
You still may need to cleanup a bit on your own but hopefully this makes that easier.