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Mango Games

A member registered Apr 27, 2020

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I was pretty excited about the game but I was dissapointed. The game feels super unfinished and you don't know where you need to go. No objectives, nothing. I used the space button only a few times. It is useless since the character moves really fast already. There is no stamina bar, the health goes too fast, the melee weapon is cluncky and sometimes doesn't hit the bean monsters, the movement is too slipery. I thought this was an RPG game so I tried interacting with objects, but I couldn't. I tried to press the ESC to go to the menu. It doesn't work either. The good thing I saw heard in this game was the soundtrack. It is very good. The artstyle is pleasing for my eyes, I really like it. The overall rating is 3/10.

This is really fun! It is challenging but it is super fun, the idea is pretty original, and it's a really good game. Good job!

Oh okay, thanks!

I want to make a new profile picture, because now mine sucks not gonna lie. Can you say the dimensions of profile picture?

It's a good game! For the full release I recommend to fix the jumping. It is a bit cluncky. Add an objective because without it the game feels empty and add some music, it is really boring. Its a good game after all! 6/10

P.s make the button "esc" to go to the menu