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A member registered Mar 03, 2021

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(1 edit)

when an apex pred is chasing you and they bump into a non-oversized, stunned, chasing pred they have something like 30% chance to eat that pred just like how students get eaten

the only exception is tulpy who can be eaten by student preds as well as has no protection from being eaten by another apex, so she is easy to eliminate in 2 pred mode by making her eat a student then having the other apex eat her while she is stuffed and unable to chase you, as her size is 2ish so most apexes and their3-6 capacity can eat her up

I haven't been able to get the nightmare 2 pred mode even though I completed the 2 pred mode 5 times, I wonder if it's due to a bug or "completed" saves pre-update do not work and I need to delete my data

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well, you'll never truly know unless you go through 15000ish games to gather 5040 data points like I did... lolAnyone got a HQ version of Coraline's dad? : r/MemeRestoration

I'd be interested in what you get if you repeat my test, it'd be a lot better to have multiple data sets of the same sample size to get a more accurate picture, I also added a reply that adds some clarification on the methodology 

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this reply is explaining some of the stuff I have edited or feel needs to be expanded independent of the original post

expansion: my method involves the pred in an empty state, so if you get swallowed with paper and survive the first attempt my data requires her to digest the paper then you get eaten with another piece of paper to test second escape, ect for paper.  Under the Apples I made sure that the pred was not under the effect of another apple, so I DID NOT rely on escape 1 being an apple, then escape 2 being another apple ect, I SPECIFICALLY used non-apple escapes to do this and this part is by far the largest part of why I took a bit as if for every 1st escape with paper I have a 50% chance of escaping I now need to do 100 apples with that coin toss, which makes 3rd escape closer to 15% chance after normalizing data but if you want to do it I am pretty sure apples lose their effect when the pred burps them up so if you are willing to wait and stalk them for that make a note of it in your results.  I also forgot to mention the margin of error in everything is around 3% so I considered Bella and Satie's results to be the same despite them having a small percentage change due to RNG noise.  I also did not include my original/new hard numbers  numbers as it was already getting pretty long and this was directed more at the developer who has their actual RNG number chance known in their coding so the actual hard numbers were not a factor to my intent, but I would like to see everyone's hard numbers if they wish to perform this experiment to see a larger data point on how RNG percent affects gameplay chance whereas my data points are about version trends since I did this with the old version as well.  This means that in total, you need to do at least 5040 games which is...yeah, it's not fun after a while, especially the hunt for those small red and crazy apples

edits: fixed some numerical errors on second readthrough and added some additional context to crazy apple results

(6 edits)

so after finally getting enough time and sample sizes together for the new update this is my findings on the RNG:

how I gathered the data: playing as Bella on normal difficulty and no other students so as to get a clearer picture of raw player mechanics without the noise of other students having random pieces of paper or struggling being weaker/stronger than normal, I did at least 100 attempts for each of the 4 categories; nothing in hand, paper, red apple, and green apple with crazy apples and small red apples being sampled at 10 due to their rarity and my unwillingness to spend 20 minutes looking for one 100 times, I then repeated this on all 4 predators with my escape attempts recorded being at 1, 2, and 3 since I consider 3 escapes to be reaching in terms of the average user getting caught

now to not make this a whole essay, I am going to condense it into category highlights here:

first escapes I recorded were merely up 4% compared to the older system, wile second attempts were down by 6% and third escapes being down by 18%

nothing in hand dropped by 12%, paper fell by 16% and all apples with the exception of crazy apples went up by 4-9% with crazy apples being DOWN by 6%, take note that since this sample size is drastically smaller due to chance it's around 1 or 2 failed escapes out of 30 per pred, and finally small red apples saw 0% change due to them having a 100% failure rate

for all 4 predators there was very little deviation in each escape attempt overall, with the exception of the 2 extremes of Tulpy and Ligeska, both of which had lower total escapes, Tulpy having a total drop of around 8% and Ligeska having a total escape attempt nearly 66% decreased with first escapes now only  being less than 1% successful  with her crazy apples only succeeding 1 time out of 10 and being the only one to get me out

overall my data is trending downward in successful attempts at all stages other than first having a minor uptick... I am unsure if the old escape chance is "base" chance that we go down to after multiple escapes or if the new system put's us below that threshold as it is more apparent there are massive dropoffs at 2nd and 3rd escapes

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2 of them are confirmed teachers, one is a known student and the other is a maybe, you can find associated items related to them when you click their profile in the pred selector or where they are in terms of the building lore, Bella is the nurse as she prefers apples but will eat people when none are available and has a empty apple basket in the nurse's office, Ligeska is the principle and you can see this because she has a cage where she keeps her hibernation prey in the principles office's closet, Satien might be the lunch lady because she magically keeps her appearance thin despite her being an obese misandrist who eats any male she finds even the slightest flaw with and there is a generic witch's cauldron in there, Tulpy is the only confirmed student as she was about to be considered a dropout after eating her first prey and taking a month to digest him

(9 edits)

the easiest way to explain that is the pred uses a hitbox right in front of themselves to pick what to eat and the pred also has their "eyes" somewhere in their chest/neck for normal girls and the bottom of the breasts for the fairy thus they loses sight of you if you are directly behind a student at a distance allowing them to "pivot" around a student while searching your last known location (this means she is not actually chasing you while you are behind a student, merely in aggressive investigation mode while the student acts like a wall she saw you go around), the easiest way is to wait till the pred is almost on you on one side then switch to the other for more success in getting them eaten

ie: sit slight right of the student and once she starts chasing sit in the middle, if she loses sight of you then peak on the right again until you are sure she can see you over the other student, then move left to keep the student directly between the two of you for them to be takes a bit to get it in your head but once you do it just becomes muscle memory

below is a diagram of how the pred works if she spots you at the 104/105 elbow on the first floor from 3 different spots, red is her with the red triangle being her vision and light blue being your last known location to her, blue is your current position if you duck back to cover with orange being her target location based on what she saw, the green dot is a student and the funny triangle is a representation of how a student can block her vision at a distance leading to her pivot around them and nab you if you dont pivot to either of the fins at the last second while standing directly behind, so it's much easier to just sit on one of the light blue dots until she is close then pivot to the other dot

she does it pretty often, but she has to be near a student who has also seen you, then she investigates that area but more often it's used if a student sees you duck into a room while she's chasing you so it's not entirely an obvious situation to the player in the moment (also in nightmare she generally just eats the student so it fires far less frequently by proxy of them being wiped out within the first 8 minutes)

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from testing, red apples increase digestion rate and indigestion by a moderate amount (and while unconfirmed it seems to have minor boosts to weight gained by preds when they digest other things like students and paper as well as other apples)

green apples decrease digestion and have a low indigestion increase meaning you have more RNG time but less chance of RNG indigestion compared to red apples

crazy apples (purple) are rare but increase indigestion by a substantial amount and add a crazy modifier to the pred, making them shake a lot and be unable to eat/keep anything down while the apple is digesting so using one when you are about to leave with the book is a good idea (but with the RNG nature you can still fail if you are in a pred's stomach with this apple as she'll probably vomit everything else out first and leave you in there for 5 minutes and lose all mass to get a vomit RNG tick in the indigestion RNG ticks)

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paper also has WG, but good luck getting enough in them and surviving to notice without using a red apple's seeming ability to boost WG while digesting it

the fairy also gains weight, you notice it more if you compare how close her breasts are to her feet while flying...granted you have to be on top of her while she is actively ready and capable of eating you to really notice lol

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I really like this game, I like the art style it goes for and the stealth is fun to interact with

I only really have 2 criticisms with the current state of the game:

1. paper is effectively a useless resource that could be used in far more interesting ways than just a tiny passive fullness increase, having it be swallowed like you shoved it down their throat instead of them swallowing you would be an easy usage, giving the pred a speed boost after they are done to emulate being pissed off would balance it pretty well I think, and/or having it be a throwable so you can distract a pred by making them go after a noise farther away from you

2. where vore intersects with normal gameplay... where do I even begin, it's unintuitive first and foremost as well as all around unresponsive.  Holding F and praying the RNG creates an indigestion tick AND THEN hoping the RNG creates a vomit tick rather than a burp tick is just not fun and painful to deal with, it'd be much better to have an indigestion gauge based on the current stuff in their stomach then you got to make up the difference with some kind of interactions like QTE wasd.  The current system promotes a gameplay loop of just quitting the second you get grabbed because you can be stuck in a pred for 8 minutes with 3 other students and fail to get out after 7 indigestions(while holding F the entire time)due to RNG... it's just not worth being in the stomach if you are trying to play the game like a game

man, this aged like milk

check the first letter of each line....

it fails to load graphics on start, even when I swap settings to try and force it