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Maigi Games

A member registered Jun 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for sharing your feedback. I will take this into consideration as I continue to tweak the gameplay for future updates.

From your experience, would you prefer larger stat bonuses from S-Gear or a lower material cost (asteroid material) to purchase the meta upgrades?

Thanks Danie!

BUG FIX UPDATE: I have addressed an issue where the starting weapon was not being triggered automatically for some players.

thanks, glad you like it!

(1 edit)

The last survivor of a secretive defense program must pilot a living ship to escape annihilation.

Alpha Mono S is a retro shoot 'em up with roguelite elements. With a simple control scheme, it's easy to pick up but difficult to master. The game offers a balance of replayability, challenge, and reward. In Alpha Mono S, you can expect to:

  • Blast apart the minion forces of V.E.G.A. while avoiding bullet chaos
  • Power up with 12 unique ship systems plus tons of upgrades
  • Collect credits and mine asteroids to purchase S-Gear in the shop
  • Face off against deadly minibosses and increasingly difficult enemy waves

This is the very first game by Maigi Games! It was created using Kaboom.

Play Alpha Mono S for free

Watch the trailer here:

This is just like how I make pizza

Cool design!

That cover art is sick!

I dig it. I don't think I've ever enjoyed beating my high score so much.