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A member registered Dec 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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What a cool idea! Love the painterly art style. I found the interaction between the sky and what was under it a bit confusing—it was hard to tell whether my changes (assembling a couple of stars until they linked up) were having any effect. In the video it looks like there’s a critical mass that makes e.g. the fireball happen, but I couldn’t tell if I was making progress in that direction or not.

Thank you! I spent a lot of time on polish—glad to hear it paid off 😃

This looks terrific! It’d be impressive enough from a team but as a fellow solo dev I’m amazed at how polished everything is. Looking forward to playing it when I’m back at my PC.

Glad you liked it!

Thanks! Glad you liked the sound, that’s exactly what it was intended for 🙂

Thank you! That’s really nice to hear—I was hoping it would be a sort of low-pressure, satisfying thing to play.

This is fun! The environments are impressive. It could use a little more sound—the enemies being silent makes them feel a little abstract. Still, though, great work for a jam game!

Thanks! Yours is great too—really cool concept and great sound.

Thank you! Yeah, unfortunately we didn’t have time to get a “win” state working—glad you liked it otherwise though!