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A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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So smooth! The wind effect on the character feels great as you soar into the next screen. Very nice job.

Thank you for checking it out!!

We had a good laugh when Isabel sent us that meme graphic in the middle of development. Agree with you on the controls; I wish we'd had more time to refine them.  Thanks for checking it out!!

Definitely right about the controller.  We had a ton of fun making it. Thanks for checking it out!! 

Thank you for checking it out!! Glad we could make you laugh :)

I laughed when I realized after the fact that we didn't tell people to click to move blower-san in the tutorial.  We tried :D  Thanks for checking it out!!

Yeah, it woulda been awesome to refine it more.  Thanks for checking it out!

Haha! We had a blast leaning into our inner crazy.  Thank you for checking it out!

Thanks for checking it out! I felt the same on the controls.  I wanted to iterate on them, but didn't have any great ideas in time.