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A member registered Nov 03, 2023

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huh? difficulty affects day length?

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i'm saying there's no adequate alternative option to just sitting in main room collection signals because there's nothing else to do, and even that gets repetitive really fast

EDIT: i am not saying that this is a problem, the problem is that it is this way for too much time, again, no gameplay changes for many updates

so i should "endure" 30+ days until it gets "way more intresting"? with all those gameplay problems i described? sounds wonderful

oh, yeah, building, all the WIPs made me forget about that

also, "the thing isn't for everyone" is a such shitty argument in general, usually used to shield questionable decisions

maybe the quick faq were the friends we made along the way

but there is really nothing else to do besides signals

you can clean entire base in 1 day 2 days (thanks for garbage bag nerf, nose), base decoing is just a filler "mechanic", you finish deco and yeah, that's it, now you collect signals in style

digging stuff with metal detector is unrewarding, you either get scrap or trash that you only can use for scrap, but there is nothing useful to craft besides omega and parts for mining rig, fishing is... underwhelming, farming is a joke, "cave exploration" is useless unless you want more omegas

but the story event are "haha look at this thing"; "look at this weird picnic" (the game almost forces you to see it, you don't find it because you "explore the world"), "haha look at that warp arrow" (you just get your mail filled with junk), "spooky sounds from the vent" ("horrors in vent" idea goes nowhere), "haha look at this weird treehouse" (arirals and their rep are useless, unless if you don't have points for food ~20 days into the game, and their "horror" element was ruined by dev's actions), obelisk and wisps are flashy but boring, just avoid them while outside, that's it, the don't "provoke" actions from you

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if only tha game told me to redo the tutorial although changelogs didn't say anything about major gameplay changes that would make it worth to redo the tutorial

if only the game told me about it

i guess nose needs to add new entry to that shiny "help" section

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exactly, the problem is that after "nailing down the core gameplay early" the gameplay loop doesn't change at all. get signals, get hashcodes, send everything, repeat. The only change in this loop is that you gain the ability to upgrade signals, but it's just another computer that you insert disk into and it does stuff.

p.s: "need to step away from the game for a bit in order to refresh your experience" i played for ~1 week after release of 0.6.3, 0.7 and 0.8, "burning out" is not the case

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no, i mean the gameplay

lots of added items are just new kind of food/trash/tools for new food/ etc.

yeah, new base is cool, but there's nothing to do with new space: it's just a place you sleep in and get signals

new events seem rather random, just a one time "jumpscare", or references to unrelated things that don't fit the game, the don't change the gameplay

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Although it's good we got several patches in last couple of days, i don't really see the point of them. Nose just nerfed garbage bags several times, changed help button in passive-aggressive manner... and that's it, basically.

The bugfixes are good, but i can't remember any meaningful gameplay changes/updates besides cremator since 0.6.3

Are random spooks and performance-eating visual upgrades more important in the game than gameplay?

(also, door numpads interaction change was pointless, but i can imagine it took a lot of time to implement; was it worth it?)

he's 100% gonna nuke this thread, no joke, i agree with you tho

Какой ужас) А я то думал, как вообще появляются такие баги, интересно глянуть, как у него там всё выгдялит

"стрелочке"? он реально делает игру на блюпринтах?

Хорошо что -сейв сейчас, люди жалуются, что на 25 дне обелиск крашит игру без возможности продолжить

he's jorking it

It's just the game saying that you should run

Keep running.

Don't stop.

a passworded .rar so that windows' built-in archiver can't work with it too

Have you guys noticed in modern times people are way more likely to just ask about something rather than look for the answer themselves? It's not about votv specifically, but in other thing too

i've heard stories about amd drivers being bad, but this bad?

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it appears that there was no discussions for about 16 days. I really wonder what's happened

EDIT: hell, there's another 80 days hole in topics below

dayum, i really wanted mp3 video

no fake

0.8.0 may be huge or smth, but before it there's should be 0.7.1



You also can sell fire extinguishers or set difficulty to max (more hashcodes = more points)

You can disable physics damage in settings (experimental tab if i recall correctly)


no way

next update when?

Apparently it removes math question on "The Funny Setting"