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but there is really nothing else to do besides signals

you can clean entire base in 1 day 2 days (thanks for garbage bag nerf, nose), base decoing is just a filler "mechanic", you finish deco and yeah, that's it, now you collect signals in style

digging stuff with metal detector is unrewarding, you either get scrap or trash that you only can use for scrap, but there is nothing useful to craft besides omega and parts for mining rig, fishing is... underwhelming, farming is a joke, "cave exploration" is useless unless you want more omegas

but the story event are "haha look at this thing"; "look at this weird picnic" (the game almost forces you to see it, you don't find it because you "explore the world"), "haha look at that warp arrow" (you just get your mail filled with junk), "spooky sounds from the vent" ("horrors in vent" idea goes nowhere), "haha look at this weird treehouse" (arirals and their rep are useless, unless if you don't have points for food ~20 days into the game, and their "horror" element was ruined by dev's actions), obelisk and wisps are flashy but boring, just avoid them while outside, that's it, the don't "provoke" actions from you


i'm convinced you haven't seen day 30+, it gets way more interesting than just "look at this thing" or the wisps
it's fine if you don't like the stuff you can otherwise do, this game isn't for everyone, i'm not sure about complaining on it though
there's stuff you can do than just digging and farming and whatever, i've personally taken a liking to building structures using planks of wood and nails and stuff, you can do a lot with the tools the game gives you


so i should "endure" 30+ days until it gets "way more intresting"? with all those gameplay problems i described? sounds wonderful

oh, yeah, building, all the WIPs made me forget about that

also, "the thing isn't for everyone" is a such shitty argument in general, usually used to shield questionable decisions


so you want to force this opinion on everyone? that's the only answer i'm getting here

(2 edits) (-7)

i'm saying there's no adequate alternative option to just sitting in main room collection signals because there's nothing else to do, and even that gets repetitive really fast

EDIT: i am not saying that this is a problem, the problem is that it is this way for too much time, again, no gameplay changes for many updates