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Lyre Melody

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Hiya! yes it’s my own voice! Thank you so much for your kind words ☺️ I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 

Haha Thank you!! I’m so glad! And I absolutely understand, I’m a comedy lover myself! 

Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much to you and your lovely girlfriend! This is so funny because yours was the very first soundtrack I clicked on and I was in absolute awe as well! 

wow thank you so much!! 🥰

Thank you!! And yes absolutely! Im working hard to improve with movement, do you have any suggestions for techniques I could use? 

Hi thank you for your feedback! Could you tell me in which areas my composition skills need work so I can practice to improve them? 😊

Sounds good!! 

holy moly this is insane 🤩

Wow thank you so much! I cant wait to see with time how I progress in later jams so yes definitely looking forward to those!! 

I think your orchestration is beautiful! I must ask what soundbanks you used for the instruments, they sound so lovely. I also loved how bright your music was, it really created a sweet, hopeful and emotive atmosphere. 

you cried!??? 😭 my heart ✨ thank you so much ❤️ Yes I composed and produced everything in three days, as well as drew the art! 

thank you so much truely, that’s very kind of you to say :) 

hey!! Yes I’m open to both! What did you have in mind? My discord is soulmelody.

Hi Jon! 

Yes I was thinking the exact same thing when I listened to your soundtrack, we did have very similar ideas 🤣

And all good! As I develop my skills more I’ll start focusing on how to use samples correctly. I think the discord we are in has been really helpful in seeing what people use frequently and what is professional, so that’s been a great guide. 

hi Jacob, 

Thank you so much for your sweet words and taking the time to listen through my soundtrack! Appreciate it 🥰

Hello ! 😊

Haha thank you so much! It was definitely my goal to try and immerse the listener in the environment, especially through the use of the soundscapes and panning, so I’m glad that came across 🕺

And thank you, is it really the first?! I try to add vocals into my tracks when I can as I’m training classically atm. So I’m so happy to see people enjoyed it 🥰

Hi Mekto!! Thank you so much for your kind words 🥰  I’m so happy the track resonated with you. 

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to listen and for your kind words!! Yes, the vocals are my own! 

oh yeah haha, mixing is a skill that is hard to master, but I hope to improve with more practice :D

Thank you!! I'm so happy it resonated with you, I'll take the time to have a listen to yours as well! <3

Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked the vocals!! :)

I loved descent, it captured my attention right away. The whole track is so sweet and magical and I LOVE the cover art!! 

Everything flowed together really well, I love a good soundscape so that definitely captured my attention. Great work 🥳

You have managed to create a soundtrack where each track is yet uniquely different and still cohesive. The whole track was so ambient but still kept me on the edge of my seat! 

holy moly, I’m blown away by the amount of creative and engaging tracks you have produced in such a short time. Very impressive 

For starters, Sea frog, is SO CAPTIVATING! Incredible work, this was a great listen. 

I can absolutely picture this video game and the music fits so perfectly. I loved the ambience created from each piece, the whirls of strings and synths and I so enjoyed Colorsplash beach, so fun! Amazing work. 

I can absolutely picture this video game and the music fits so perfectly. I loved the ambience created from each piece, the whirls of strings and synths and I so enjoyed Colorsplash beach, so fun! Amazing work. 

You were able to capture each atmosphere and transport me as a listener to this other world. Very impressive work 

This was so awesome 🤩 🙌 I really loved the Forgotten Woods Boss theme and your use of both orchestral and electronic sounds to create such driven pieces. 

This soundtrack was so fun and full of spirit. Lots of creative ideas and each song got me bobbing my head. Great work 🕺

Finally found the time to have a proper listen of the whole soundtrack and just wow. Your unique concept and storytelling  translate so well in this cinematic piece- it’s so captivating. 

Thanks for the suggestions! I’ve used a few of the BBC symphony orchestra plugins before but I’m still learning how to master the best sound. Flute plugins are probably my worst enemy 😂

I’ll definitely check out Kontackt!! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and send feedback. 

And yes, I  definitely want to work on blending my mixes better. It’s so great to get outside perspectives especially because when you listen to something for so long it starts to blur 🤣

Producing and sound design is an incredible skill that I hope to develop a good ear for in the future. 

Hey! Thank you so much for the feedback! It’s my first time doing a challenge like this, so I am super grateful for any advice.  

Stepping Stones is definitely one of my favourites too, so I’m glad it connected with you ☺️

And yes, I absolutely agree about the horns. I used the musescore audio as I couldn’t find any free VST plugins for it, so mixing was tricky 😅. 
It was my first time producing my own vocals as well, so I’m looking forward to improving in the future. 

Thanks again! 

Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :D