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Lucas Cardoso

A member registered Feb 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear it worked out!

(1 edit)

Hi, I think we should have builds now that fix the issue (0.7.13i). Sorry it's been an inconvenience!

Thanks for playing! We really appreciate it. Keep a look out for the full release!

horse far

(1 edit)

To be honest I haven't fixed the bug because I think it's funny. It was a quick jam game that got only minorly polished for the itch release. Thanks for checking it out!

Yeah, I think there's a bug. Will update when I get some time! Thanks a lot for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks a lot for playing! Yeah, I think there's a bug at the end. I should update the demo when I have the time, but this was basically a proof of concept for a more fleshed out (and not GB-related) version I'm gonna keep working on. 

Hey, thanks for playing! 

The enemy attacks should only be valid on the square right in front of them, but it's probably fairly buggy!

Haha thanks for playing! That was kind of the very quick inspiration.

Really liked it! The only comment I'd do is that the visual style seems a little too busy, sometimes it's really difficult to tell hitboxes or what's a powerup in the mayhem.

Really really good. Props!