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A member registered Feb 11, 2024

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If you are interested in my artwork for the game. Please dm me and Id be glad to collaborate with you. My discord is Luhfam6

This game is in inspiration of Plague inc. and Rebel inc. 

awesome game its so satisfying to knock down towers reminds me of angry birds 

game sadly has no audio. But I really liked the knife animations.

hello Clifford, I'm looking for a programmer looking to start a fairly large project. I have a GDD and concept art. 

hey could you try it again or send me your discord because I didn't see your friend request

First of all I love your music. Second yes you can add me on discord at luhfam6

I was planning on using unity but we could use GMS2. I  personally do not have any research on what engine I would consider using its up to the programmers

for now this is an unpaid project do to the 0 dollar budget but could be if the game is a hit and sells

About me:

I am a newer pixel artists, I have a few game jams under my belt. I am looking to build a dream game a game that everyone will enjoy.

What I am looking for:

I am looking to create a very polished game that centers around farming in a 2d or pixel art style. Details and Parts of the game are not yet established for I want the team to vote for these details. I feel its very important to have equality and implement pretty much anything the team can think up. 

Roles needed:

For this project I am thinking go big or go home so if I could get some experienced programmers that would be great.

Art will also play a big role in this game I can do art but I am not the best so help will be needed

Writers will be needed as well to create a story for the game as well as dialogue

Finally, sound I would like at least one composer to help me with this project for I am not the best in the audio department

Reminder: This is a long term ambitious project, I am ok with failure. If you want to quit at any point that's completely your call. I'm not forcing anyone to work on this project.


Hi there! I'm a non experienced artist that is looking to help other artists on games. Think of me as like a hired hand.