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Lucked Coronet

A member registered Feb 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for a comment. Unfortunately, I do not know what is causing that error.

Thank you! Maybe I watch it.

SCP Containment Breach: Revival allows you to relive the containment breach at SCP Foundation Site-19, with new rooms, new graphics, and new story events.

This game is currently under early development. But I’m distributing early access every 1-2 month(s). And it’s free! I hope you like it.


Thank you so much for playing! I hope you’ll play next version as well :D

I think I can add SCP-173 breach event in v0.2.0. Thank you :)

Thank you for playing! I’m going to add more exciting features :)

Thank you for playing :D

Of course, I will make input settings available soon. And thank you so much :D

SCP Containment Breach: Revival, is another remake of SCP - Containment Breach. I’m focusing on improvement of gameplay and story events. It’s still in early development, but I’ll publish early access every month! v0.1.0 is already available here.

You need modern windows PC

Singleplayer SCP'Sl. Well done!

Nice game!

Thank you!
There will be easier game mode in next update.

Thank you!

Thanks! I'm glad to hear that :D


This is a new style SCP game.

You have to get out of the facility before warhead's explode!
And you only need 90 seconds for 1 play.

SCP: Warhead Escape v0.1.0 by LuckedCoronet (