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A member registered Nov 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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Are you still planning an update for this app? I really like it but have a few nitpicks:

- Would be nice if the app could auto switch between dark and light mode 

- Media embeds and clickable links would be nice    

- New lines get eaten when saving a post

- A homescreen widget for making a post would be cool

Even if you don't ever update Mine, I'm glad you made it.

This is really cute and well-made.

I love your platformers. I'm thrilled for this.

This is a very clever little diary app.

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I just got the same bug! I'm stuck standing there and every button I push just shoots my yoyo out.

(Edit) NEVER MIND I didn't realize there was an update. Fun game!

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I hate to be the one to point this out, but I found a bug in version 1.0!

In level 2-5, you can dig down while you're on the rocky area. The "X" icon appears over the mech but you dig down anyway and can potentially wind up over the bottomless pit unable to dig back up. Or, if you do it in the right place, you can completely trivialize the puzzle -- I got a score of 23 on this level, lmao.

This level also has a bug where if you press B while out of the mech, the "I'll need to use the mech to dig down" message appears, but then you dig down anyway, possibly appearing nowhere near the mech depending on where you were standing.

Congrats on version 1.0, though! I'm having a fun time playing it.

Cool! Thanks for the reply.

This is fun! Thanks for putting in the time to make it.

I noticed that the app connects to the internet. What kind of data does it send to you?

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I love this game!

I ran into a couple bugs on Android, though (aside from the Apotheosister bug, which was very annoying lol):

* If I go back and beat one boss, then go to fight another and select "retry", it instead takes me to the start of the boss fight I beat most recently. (e.g. beat Emily, start fight with Ultimouth, hit Retry, and I'm taken back to Emily.)

* The final boss's wiki says one of the entries will unlock if I beat it in less than 6:30, but I have a best time of 5:49.56 (fast-forwarding through the cutscenes if that matters).

But, again: I love this? It's so good and creative, the characters are great, and I especially LOVE the aesthetics in the second phase of the last boss. Absolutely inspired.

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Thanks! Awesome game, by the way.

Some of the colors on this image are a little off, though, so picking them doesn't work. Win is #01ff00 and frozen air is #01ffff.

Oh!! I got it. Thanks.

I hate asking for help, but I've been stuck on this one since yesterday. What am I missing?

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Clear Crystal combined with the Night background is such a mood, I love it.

Thank you! <3

Sorry! There's no actual ghost, it's a fake-out.

Great graphics and music.

Really cute graphics!

Fair enough! Great job otherwise, though.

Sorry about that! Have you talked to the bushes? There are also two things in the house you need to talk to at different points in the game; the refrigerator and the bookshelf.

A fun little game! Weirdly, it only seems to be an issue if the player collides with a car; Granny can get hit by one with no problem as long as the player is already out of the way.

I love picross so I'm very thrilled to see this little proof of concept.

Thanks :)

Oh, cool! Thanks for the link.

That link no longer works. Also, a patch only functions if there's a rom file available.

Great game! I didn't manage to feed the hungry soul, so I'll have to do another playthrough. I absolutely love the ambience and the art.

I'd love to be able to download Soul Void as a .gb rom or an Analogue Pocket file. (Though if this game was made with GBS2.0 it would only be able to export to .gb.) This is one of those games I just want to carry around with me for the rest of my life.

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I am loving this game, but I found a weird bug on level 2-3.

If, before pushing the block you need to push, you dig down from the spot to the right of the rock that's to the right of the fuel station, move 2 spots to the right, and then dig back up, you'll be on top of a hole in front of a magnet. You won't fall down the hole, but you can dig back down unless you move. If you do move, you're stuck, because you can't fall down and now you can't dig down, either. Also, weirdly, you can walk on some of the water tiles underneath where the hole is.

Thank you! The first thing I experimented with was setting and remembering a pronoun choice and the inventory system grew out of that. Glad you liked!

Just bought the game and I'm getting the same startup bug as everyone else. :( 

Ahh, so I guess it was the 1.0 version that got downloaded through the Itch app. Thanks; I'll get the newer version.

I can't seem to find the language options; are they available on the Linux version?

Ohhh, it's RPG Maker. That explains it. I stopped using WINE a while ago when more games I cared about got Linux releases, but I may have to bite the bullet.

Thanks for the reply!

I'll try again! I did accidentally click "fast forward" and so I might have gotten too far into the loop.

Do you plan to release a Linux version of this?

The art is cute, but nothing happens when I click "Rewind" when I'm told to.

When declining the barber's offer of a free haircut, he refers to me as a "king" even if I'm a queen.