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A member registered Apr 19, 2016

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I just gave this a try and slowed down by 50% using a 3rd party tool and you get used to it too easy and fast. This should only be used for learning some new movement that you were not familiar with but nothing else ie. racing, because your brain will adjust too quickly and you get used to something way too artificial (your reflex time virtually halfs) which is not the case in reality and normal speed then will feel super fast :p

So yeah it's maybe not as useful as I first thought.

hi again, just got this idea realised today. when practicing new tricks or moves, discovering how the copter behaves in certain situations, I think it would come extremely handy if there was an ability to change game speed, aka the internal loop cycle time of the game.

Sort of creating a slow motion feel, this would make the term simulator^simulator squared :p

benefits: I dont know about other people, but this could help build some muscle memory quicker? say there is trick you kind of know how to but it involves so rapid stick inputs in a fashion that is just hard to master. this way you could begin slower and then speed it back up.

might sound too far fetched but leaves you a lot more room for corrections when learning a move ie close to obstacles, when your relative position to a world object matters in making the trick look good as opposed to just carrying it out mid air having no real frame of reference.


(1 edit)


Would it be a consideration to implement different type of expos? Mostly that of mimicing the so called "superexpo" in ie Betaflight, or the 'same' effect that KISS puts in only uses a different name for it.

The idea would be to bring the stick feel even closer to what it is on the player's actual copter. What I've done towards this is I put some expo on the transmitter + turned expo on in the game too to combine the 2. But the transmitter expo won't provide so much resolution to play with anyways. Although this seems to have worked fine, like the feel of right enough..

And btw, keep up, like the game helped me a lot so far!
