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Lioness Paladin

A member registered Aug 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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It works now. I've decided to just use item condition as a appear condition instead using a "Magic Map" key item(a lot simpler for me!)

I'll just have to start my test game from a new save file. Oh well at least I have a fast travel system in place now lol!

Thank you very much for the help!

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That didn't occur to me. Yes, I am testing this on a saved file.

I'll make some test maps and try it on a new game file and see if that changes anything. (at work right now though)

I'm also using a script call command to call the menu.

I'm using Eli.MapSelect.callScene()

I'm only using plugin commands when adding new maps. This bug still happens when calling the menu through a script call in an event when there are innate maps set up in the plug in parameters.

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yeah I have Eli MZ 5.0.9 in my plugin list already it's listed right above Map Select and it is beneath the Visustella list of plugins

does this conflict with the Visustella Core Engine plugins to your knowledge?

**I should note that I am calling it with a script call and adding new maps using switches as the appear condition.

When the script call triggers to open the menu the bug happens. Playtest runs fine with the script in the plugin list though. Issue only occurs when the menu script is called.

Cannot read property 'mapSelect' of undefined
Confused I just added the maps in the command list through the plugin parameters but this pops up when the map select menu is triggered to open in an event.