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A member registered Apr 16, 2017

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NETHELEUM community · Created a new topic Cool game

This is a cool game

So the storks are coming ey?

Meth? Or cookie dough? Hell even storksweat what in the hell are you smoking?


There is this sentence:

The great (hormess?) is coming. Backwards I understand: Mir machts nichts. Which would mean: I does not matter to me.

There is also the sentence: Here I fromble the beloaded. To fromble is when you act like a goat....dunno if that is right.

And the last sentence backwards sounds like: Thats not mihi (me), oh god my life.

Thats all that i could hear...i thought i heard more german.....

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Garest would be conditional, the second-person would be garst. and the *gar* in it is pronounced like far. Gromfriel is not a german word. If you have any more questions, concerning german words just ask me.

Ya know the thing is, there might be a lot of german sentences in en wye when played backwards...i am german, but i thought of ot as being unlikely...should i post what i found?

Could someone create a Transcript for en wye?

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Hey I just found out that the Mustang reversed sounds like *need some* would also make sense in that context. I think we could find out, what the others mean by playing them backwards, this is also used in en wye

Yo, anybody interested in the solution for Tits and Boobies? I do not know the slightest if this might help, but I found out, that you have to play some of the text in that game backwards in order for you to understand it: SO the first message is: I like soup and I love coffee, so remember to fu** me in the pu**y whenever you want. Yes, this is actually it. The second is: Breathe through my mouth and lick my *ss, thank you....dunno if that hlps