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A member registered May 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for trying the game and the review :-)

Do you happen to remember the circumstances when the game crashed? I'd really like to fix it.

Thank you :-)

Like others mentioned, great job on the atmosphere, music and aesthetics of the game and all the accomplishments during this hackathon.

This game really reminds me of some classic PC platformers and has a good potential!

Very nice game! Easy to understand rules, lovely visuals and compelling music. Had fun playing it :-)

Thanks for the review Drakosea.

I agree, I was going to add an instructions page but didn't get to it unfortunately.

If you do wish to give it another try, I've updated the version that resolves the story bug I had and added a few basic instructions in the game's description page on itch.

The main goal is don't let all the fires run out so humanity doesn't freeze to death while trying to reach 2 fully grown fruit trees. To grow, trees have to be watered each day. To keep the fire from running out, you need to throw lumber into it.

Thank you! :-) It actually started out as a variation of brick blocker.

I'm currently on my phone so can't test it out, but the YouTube video really helps. Looks like a fun, casual game for the ride, with simple controls and clean visuals, would be great if you would import it to mobile someday :-)

BTW, may I ask which AI you used for the sound?

Thank you! :-)