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Lilliana Raquel

A member registered Jul 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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i cant stop playing all i know is cat and beans


very fun :)

how did you get real games to show up?? that was amazing, its a shame voting has ended :(

this is amazing and i loved every second of it, its a shame voting is over :(
11/10 first ever ultra-masterpiece!!!

i love minesweeper and rubik's cubes so this is perfect for me! incredibly creative concept, and the puzzles are challenging yet fun to solve. after playing for a while and getting to level 16 my brain hurts and i can definetely not go further without losing sanity, and just looking at what you can do in sandbox mode gives me a headache (doing this with 4 bombs or on a 5x5 sounds like pain lol), but i absolutely loved the experience :)

Incredibly fun and addicting! The upgrades make this so interesting and i really enjoyed it :)

Thanks for trying it out! Yeah it was quite hard to balance the difficulty increase with so little time and few opportunities to have someone else test it haha. I do want to add the things i wasn't able to finish during the jam later and polish it a bit (well a lot actually).

Also, thanks for reminding me of the github repo, because i just noticed i forgot to push half of the commits so it was missing most of the game lol

I love this idea! The writing is really good, and i really like the art and audio as well. I'm also very impressed by how complete this feels for a game jam game!

very creative and super fun! the art is great too :)

very cool idea! i love the art and sounds too. everything becoming red and the game closing when i went to sleep was very scary :o

very fun! i really like the skeletons picking you up haha, interesting interpretation of the theme!


bit of polish is quite generous haha, a lot of things were rushed or are missing. Thanks for playing though! :)

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i have finally beaten my highscore, i feel complete now

you know what i meant smh


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got my best score without knowing about alt fire or bombs, never got close to it again even when using those

10/10 loved every second of it

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how did you make a version for every single device imaginable but not a linux version lmfao

very sweet game!

This is amazing! Character and camera movement both feel very good and it looks so pretty, very relaxing and fun game! I'm excited to see what else you'll make :)

legit thought this was an ad