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A member registered Oct 21, 2019

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Fantastic!!! I really appreciate that you took dynamic tokens on!

Looking forward to Volume 2 :D.

<3 Appreciated!

The Character Gallery uses the "subject" folder for the dynamic token images. For example: modules/pf2e-tokens-characters/assets/subjects/human-merchant-alchemist.webp

So to setup a dynamic token from the Character Gallery without using their interface:

  1. You can leave the "Image Path" pointing at the image from the "tokens" folder.
  2. Set the "Subject Texture" to the file from "subjects".
  3. Ensure "Ring Enabled" is set to true
  4. I believe the Character Gallery always uses a "Scale (Ratio)" of 1.0

I think the main problem your module would have is if trying to use the "Toggle Crew Token Art" macro. I imagine there might be a way to make it work, but it seems like it would be pretty tricky. TBH, this might be something you need to turn the dynamic ring off for in the macro and using the Image Path instead of the Subject Texture.

I hope that helps. Thanks!

First off, this is a really cool product!

Any chance of this getting dynamic token support? I love that it pulls in art from the Character Gallery for the tokens, but the tokens seem to be setup a bit weird and are not using the dynamic token system.

All of the bestiary packs currently use them in addition to respecting the "fit mode" setting in Foundry. When importing an NPC from this module, you end up with a 2/3rd size *static* token. And while this does work out "ok" if you are using 2/3rd size dynamic tokens, it doesn't benefit from mods like REDY. If you are using the new "Grid" fit mode, then the tokens end up coming in at the wrong size.

Any chance the module will get updated to support dynamic tokens?

Otherwise right now I will likely need to turn the art mapping off and apply it myself from the Character Gallery.
