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A member registered Jul 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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I just finished episode 4 and I LOVE THIS GAME WTF! So excited for the next episode and the ones after that. While playing the game, I couldn't help but think that this would be an awesome show! It has a very interesting story line and the characters are amazing. Keep up the good work!

WOW! I really enjoyed playing the demo and can't wait for more updates! Keep up the great work!!!

Absolutely loved the game! It was very interesting and fun to play. 

wtf i was expecting a cute little story but instead i get this and now im balling my eyes out. i love it.

Hi Rin! Before I ask my question, just wanna say how much I  L O V E  your work!!! I've been playing your games since 2015 and I haven't stopped even though I'm turning 16 in a few months lmao. I absolutely LOVED Ascension and I re-ran the whole game just recently because I was feeling like I needed some nostalgia (Zander will forever be in my heart)... but when I tell you I didn't get off my computer for a whole 2 days, I really mean it! Your games are always so easy to get addicted to, and when I saw oath breaker I knew I just had to play it!!! Did not disappoint one bit and I'm so excited for the whole of season 2 to release so I can bingeeeeee, also Argandea all the way. 

Okay here's my question: What made you decide to change the style so much, like why make the characters look more realistic and the backgrounds even more detailed? I loved your talent and the new look, just curious as to why its changed so much from the first season.