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Lee Bee

A member registered Dec 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hi, I love Billie Night! The graphics are beautiful! :-) The game would be good with background music. If you need help, I make AY music and would be very happy to do Michael Jackson music, or something similar, whatever you need!

Love the game :-) Nice cat animation. Very tough. The jumping can sometimes be frustrating as you can't slow down or turn once you've started jumping. But maybe that's more realistic? If you  ever wanted to do a 128k version I would be happy to supply some music :-)

Hi Nucleos! This looks good. All the backgrounds are red bricks. Are you planning to add more backgrounds? Regarding the music - do you want  music like the original arcade game? I have made it already and can give it to you! (Sample here.)

Hi Bruce, congratulations on the game. I've sent you an email (about music) so hope you got it! :-)

I love making music (and I love cartoons) so if you ever need anything just ask. I can be contacted here:

(1 edit)

I love this game! Great work! :-) Would you like some AY music for the game? (eg the Duck Tales theme tune). I'm an AY musician and can provide anything you need, just get in touch! :-)

(1 edit)

Cool :) This is my profile on Spectrum Computing, in case you want to get in touch:

Hi, I've only just discovered this great title. I love this kind of game! :) I agree that AY music would be nice, but I do appreciate that this game was finished 10 years ago and you're not going to return to it. I also understand that some developers like the consistency of having the 48 and 128k play (and sound) exactly the same.

However, if you're ever looking for AY music any time (perhaps if you make a sequel to this), then AY music is my speciality (and my passion) and I'd be happy to contribute for free. I can provide music and effects in a self-contained player format that's relatively easy to add to a game :-) Just putting the offer out there in case it's of interest! :-)

Anyway, great little game! Well done!