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A member registered Jan 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello I have this error when I launch the game.

Celeste 64 v.1.1.1 Error Log (02/10/2024 19:48:09) 
Call Stack: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
  ---> System.Exception: Failed to create Target    
at Foster.Framework.Target..ctor(Int32, Int32, TextureFormat[])    
at Celeste64.Game..ctor() in D:\a\Celeste64\Celeste64\Source\Game.cs:line 54    
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceOfT()   
 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---   
 at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceOfT()    
at System.Activator.CreateInstance[T]()   
 at Foster.Framework.App.<>c__66`1.<register>b__66_0()    
at Foster.Framework.App.Run(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean , Renderers )   
 at Foster.Framework.App.Run[T](String, Int32, Int32, Boolean , Renderers )  
  at Celeste64.Program.Main(String[]) in D:\a\Celeste64\Celeste64\Source\Program.cs:line 25 
Game Output: 
Celeste 64 v.1.1.1 
Foster: v0.1.18 
Platform: Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045 (X64) 
Framework: .NET 8.0.1 
SDL: v2.30.0 Failed to create OpenGL 
Context: Could not create GL context: The operation completed successfully. 
Foster Failed to initialize Renderer Device Failed 'FosterGetUserPath', 
Foster is not running Failed 'FosterGetRenderer', 
Foster is not running Failed 'FosterPollEvents', 
Foster is not running Failed 'FosterTargetCreate', 
Foster is not running  </register>

When I launch the .exe file I get this error:

Call Stack:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at Foster.Framework.Platform.ParseUTF8(IntPtr)

   at Foster.Framework.App.Run(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean )

   at Foster.Framework.App.Run[T](String, Int32, Int32, Boolean )

   at Celeste64.Program.Main(String[]) in /home/noel/Projects/Celeste64/Source/Program.cs:line 23

Game Output:

Celeste 64 v.1.0.1

Foster: v0.1.14

Platform: Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045 (X64)

Framework: .NET 8.0.1

SDL: v2.28.5

Failed to create OpenGL Context: Could not create GL context: The operation completed successfully.

Foster Failed to initialize Renderer Device

Failed 'FosterGetUserPath', Foster is not running

I didn't change anything in the game files, I just unzipped and executed the .exe


I can't work for Rick and I am in the same situation as you, is this a bug or I didn't something?

Can we have an outro