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Leandro Davel

A member registered Jun 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Love this!

I still remember playing this on newgrounds and loving every minute of it (the secret way to access the final level still blows my mind!).

Awesome game! I'd definetely play an expanded version of this concept.

This is awesome! So much fun, and the artstyle is amazing.

Took me a moment to get a hang of the controls, but it's a really fun game!

Nice platformer with a pretty cool concept. Controls feel kinda off from time to time, but still had a lot of fun with it.

The polish on this game is incredible! Surprisingly challenging but still very fun to play.

Awesome game and really fun concept! I'd love to play more levels.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you! Awesome to hear you enjoyed it! We had a lot of fun coming up with silly control schemes, so we might revisit this concept in the future just to test some crazy ideas that we didn't manage to add in time.