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Krispy Cat

A member registered Nov 03, 2015 · View creator page →

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I'm so glad you liked the game.  The early version did show the lindworm but I was informed it broke the rules of the jam, so he had to be removed. I'm glad it made for an even better experience!

A walkthrough is now up!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

There's a total of 7 endings.

That's my philosophy!

I would like to submit this kinetic novel.

Thank you for the kind words!

My composer, Forrest Lotterhos, did an amazing job with the music- he has the soundtrack available for free on his website, if you want a little musical taste of the full novel. ❄️💛

It is on hold due to technical and financial difficulties.

I know, and I am still working on it. I have been given the job but with the long hours + commute + needing to use my money for rent and bills and other expenses, it's taking slower than expected. I will be putting this out, I just ask for patience and understanding. I am only one person.

Ooooh, that WOULD be interesting.......

Thank you very much! Love the article, too!

Thanks for playing and streaming! And awww, thanks for getting teary-eyed too - it's great to know you got so emotionally-invested in such a short time! We managed to find the stream video and watched it - we're so glad you enjoyed it! And we also hope you will, in the future, check out our other games/demos.

;) As a side note, there are actually three routes/endings in Oceanic Hearts. Did you manage to find the third one~?

Thank you very much! We're really glad you enjoyed the demo. We're excited to release the full game - our plan is hopefully sometime next year! :

Thank you very much for your kind words! We'll work hard to make the final product as great as we can. ♥